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Bean Cherokee Wax Review

Home garden favorite ,vigorous, productive, bright buttery yellow pods to 16 cm with black seeds. Resistant to both rust and elegiac. Bush plants.55-60 days.
Bean Cherokee Wax are low in calories, high in fiber, yet a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

About Bean Cherokee Wax

Bean Cherokee Wax first available to the public in 1947, comes from the research department of Clemson University in South Carolina.
Other name :Cherokee bush bean
Sowing: Sow seeds in a sunny location when all danger of frost is past. Plant in loose, fertile soil, and moisten. Successive plantings of bush types can be made every 3 weeks, but plant pole types just once.
Care: Water regularly and fertilize when 3" (7.5cm) tall. Thin seedlings to 6" (15cm) apart.
Harvest: Pick when pods are plump.

IS IT EASY Growing Cherokee Wax

Cherokee Wax Bean Germination:

Direct sow seeds in rich, well drained soil in full sun at least a week after the last expected frost, since beans are quite sensitive to cold. Treat the seeds with a powder inoculation to allow the process of nitrogen fixation to begin.

Plant them 1" deep and 3-6" apart, in rows about 2' apart; press down the earth above them for good soil contact. These seeds rot easily in wet soil, so do not over water them. Germination should take place 7-10 days after planting. For companion planting benefits, plant bush beans near carrots, cucumbers, or corn; avoid planting them near onions.

Growing Cherokee Wax Bean Seeds

After germination, maintain soil moisture; beans have shallow roots, and need water at least once a week if the weather is dry. Mulching the plants helps conserve moisture and discourages weeds.

Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 3.9 inches (10.0 cm) and sow at a depth of around 1.95 inches (5.0 cm). For optimal germination, soil temperature should be a minimum of 16°C / 61°F.
You should look at sowing Cherokee wax about 14 days after your last frost date.
Cherokee wax is tender, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Harvesting Cherokee Wax Bean

Expect your first beans about ten weeks after germination. Daily harvesting improves production; for best flavor and tenderness, pick the beans when they are no larger than a pencil in thickness. Serve or preserve the same day you harvested them for the freshest taste.This variety tends to mature and be ready for harvest in mid summer.

Saving Cherokee Wax Bean Seeds

Near the end of the growing season, allow the beans to dry completely on the vine; the pods will be light brown, and the seeds will rattle inside. Remove the seeds from the pods. After the seeds are completely dry, store them in a cool, dry place for up to a year.

Detailed Cherokee Wax Bean Info: Phaseolus vulgaris. Annual. 55 days. 70 seeds per oz. 12-24" plant height. 3-6" spacing. These yellow wax beans have black seeds, and grow 5-6" long.

Where to buy Cherokee Wax Bean Seeds

neseed : $3.95 / 4oz
everwilde : $3.6 / 4oz
amazon :$2 /50s
reimerseeds : $3.5 / 4oz